Friday, August 22, 2014


Hello to whomever may have wandered into this little corner of the Internet.  I've recently created this blog as an easy place to post some of my creations - both new and old - that doesn't require an account to view.

Some of the stuff I'm thinking of posting is some of the roleplaying characters I've created and/or played over the last few years.  I've played D&D and AD&D, from 1st through 4th, although I did care much for 4th Edition.  I've also played GURPS, Rolemaster, and little bit of Star Wars Saga Edition.

I got back into active playing about 3 years ago with Pathfinder, which I'm still playing off-and-on.  The game I started three years ago with new friends appears to have ended due to scheduling problems, but I've started up a new game with some other friends recently.  I've also discovered RollD20, and I am looking at possibly joining a game there, should the setting be right  That is why I've dusted off this old account, a place to post summaries and/or details of my characters without clogging up and getting lost in some nameless forum somewhere.

That's it for now, but should I have some time this weekend, I can at least post my two most recent characters - a Pathfinder Oracle (for the Jade Regent campaign) and a Jedi Padawan from Star Wars (a Dawn of Defiance campaign that lasted one session, but was fun nontheless).